Creative Hub


webprofil ds2020 web

FEEL A FIL promotes a new sense of fashion - in the truest sense of the word. The Swiss knitwear label creates sustainable garments whose sophistication can not only be seen with the eyes but also felt with skin and hands. Change the color, change the material. And if the material changes, the knitting technique changes. Every sweater, every shirt becomes an exciting tactile experience. This is the label of Swiss textile designer Selina Peyer.

Driven by her limited eyesight, Selina Peyer has been looking for ways to make fashion for everyone ever since her studies. This includes those who cannot see fashion with their eyes. But she wants to open the eyes of people without visual impairment even more: for the haptic, the tangible. Garments that feel great, that one can snuggle up with, are worn longer, which fosters more sustainability. The label uses only organic or recycled natural yarns, and it’s produced in Germany in a way that conserves resources. 

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Leonie Risch
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A look back at eight years of pioneering work in promoting the creative industries